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Friday, December 29, 2006

All videos and reviews for invisibleengine

Wow. This video by the group of incomparable lunatics who call themselves Invisibleengine (Invisible Engine Films) is pure and utter madness.

I believe it was the good literary Captain of the YouTube-Review staff who once wrote that “YouTube is a breeding ground for crap” -- but I’m not sure if there is an appropriate genus or species that appropriately coincides with the load of new-found elephant turd these men have shamelessly spawned through the guise of a “production company” ... The truly sad part about this whole viewing experience is that I actually googled Copernicus’ heliocentric theory in order to have a solid grasp of the idea before getting involved with this video.

Unfortunately for me, my time proved completely and utterly wasted... Incidentally, I was surprised to find out this video - and its producers have developed something of a cult following recently. But was then I was not so flabbergasted to learn that this “cult” is largely populated by severely retarded apes, computer-literate and library card-wielding hobos, mad hatter impersonators, and the producers themselves. So if you’re really, really bored—and really really stoned, go ahead and have a look at this clip.

But if you’ve got tax forms to fill out or are in dire need of a root canal, I’d suggest you not let this video interfere with getting those taken care of ASAP.

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All videos and reviews for behnfannin

Well, back from the holidays and more Behnfannin videos to watch. Yipee!!!

This is a mildly clever conversion piece in the vein of that classically overdone box office snoozer, Crash, in which a series of seemingly unrelated characters go about their own personal business before ultimately crossing each other’s paths to mild dramatic affect.

In Kathy’s Call (the uninspiringly simple title of this complex head-scratcher) a series of phone calls from a series of randomly connected people lead them smack-dab into the belly of an adulterous liaison between a married woman (Kathy) and her newfound needle-point assistant.

Thread the needle!

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All videos and reviews for aconover

So this is it. We started with several video designers and now there is only this one left... Raisin?

If you're even slightly familiar with the BRAVO TV reality show, "Project Runway" you'll love this parody done with actual video from the show spliced in a comic from the Olde English comedy team. Fantistic editing and straight, tongue-in-cheek acting. The selection of the just the right audio and video clips make this one of my favorites. I wonder if Heidi Klum has seen this.

Olde English sketch comedy videos are all very funny and always have with a little twist.

Read our longer, more comprehensive review on Olde English comedy.

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All videos and reviews for DCLugi

For anyone who has worked in human resources, this one will bring back bitter memories of sitting through interviews with people who were never going to be hired by your firm.

As usual DClugi (Dave Coyne) is the man of a thousand voices and faces. The sound editing is perfect as the different voices are over-dubbed flawlessly, which makes the different characters even more distinct and real and it gives the video that professional authenticity.

Regarding sound, unfortunately the sound on this one fails to properly sync with the video. And the longer the video plays the more distracting it becomes. By one-third through the video it's pretty annoying. Not sure if this from the uploading process or a product of the sound editing (which I initially complimented). Too bad because Coyne's videos are otherwise very inventive and entertaining.

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From user: theresident

She's called "The Resident" -- from her videos you don't know much about her, other than the fact that she's a clever and cynical New Yorker with an uncanny knack of honing in on subjects that find every NYC resident stumped. It takes one to know one: as one fellow New Yorker to another, The Resident's features show topics that are consistently hilarious and incredibly entertaining!

Our very amiable producer and host is Lori Harfenist. Before bringing her interview shows to the Internet she originally created the videos for her cable-access TV show by the same name: The Resident. The shows have run in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and, of all places, Burlington, Vermont.

The Resident introduces itself as "Your much needed weekly dose of counter culture, and "The talk show that talks back." That hooked me. And with the high quality and nice variety of her videos we're surprised she doesn't have more subscribers on YouTube. Perhaps the YouTube generation's short attention span.

The Resident does have somewhat of a cult following from her cable show, YouTube and MySpace viewers. And she regularly receives a lot of feedback from her regular viewers who express their very frank and, uh, alternative viewpoints, on her and her segments.

The video above is "The Year in Review- short version"- the full version is a full half-hour, which I just didn't have the patience for, but my abridged version gets the point across: our ever-entertaining reporter interviews people about their "accomplishments" (and I use that term loosely) in 2006, and their goals for 2007, with the backdrop of the infamous, ridiculously overcrowded lighting of the tree at Rockefeller Center.

The Resident: Episode One (19:12)
There are several things that make The Resident videos stand out: other than outstanding recording quality, Lori Harfenist has a great interview style and she never misses a beat. Her bright smile and perky personality seem to make every one of her unsuspecting interviewees more than amenable to any kind of light-hearted teasing she throws their way ... and everyone gladly plays along, which consistently makes for an interesting show.

NYC Apartment Life
The only real downside (which was unique to the video above) was the "2nd interviewer," who I thought way over-played his "crotchety old man" shtick. It takes more than a loud, strange man to shock a New Yorker, or to provide entertaining reality TV. Remember: us New Yorkers deal with things like public urination, vibrant cross-dressers and B-list celebrities every day of our lives. We're used to it.

My advice for The Resident shows: stick to the up-front interview style you have going on with the young, charismatic Lori Harfenist, and you've got a sure-fire hit.

K-Fed at Webster Hall
I admit that once I started watching The Resident, I was hooked! Perhaps it's because I'm also an embittered New Yorker who is boggled by the absurdity of urban living that surrounds me 24/7, but all the topics really struck a chord.

Other episodes I highly recommend: - How much bang for your buck (yes, that is supposed to be ironic) do you get in your teeny, tiny NYC apartment?

- Exciting, LIVE coverage of the K-Fed Webster Hall concert.

Blanket Markets
- An experiment in the streets of NY: Will people really buy useless crap off a dirty blanket from an anonymous stranger in the City? (short answer: a resounding yes ... though, as you'll see, location really does matter).

For more information about the show itself, be sure to check out their official website too:

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The Long Walk Home

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