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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

From user: MauriceDevereaux

This parody takes an amusing look at something many women face, PMS! The women who have it, and the men who have to deal with them at their own peril. This short film uses the style of a 1950's government film to take a look at PMS, or as it is called in this film - Prehistoric Monster Syndrome.

The video is shot in black and white, and the characters in the film also dress according to the time period the video is shot in. This time period being the 1950's. We see what can happen if the man is not careful during this time of the month. It could very well mean his death. However, follow these few tips given in the video and all should be well.

This video is funny. The actors play the characters they are given well, and there is some funny dialogue that make this video definitely worth watching.

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From user: CBS

If you've been on YouTube at all the past month, you've seen the number of videos from CBS that have hit the scene. You've even seen a number of videos from CBS posted on this site. CBS started posting videos to YouTube on October 18th, and their videos are all over the most viewed pages in their categories.

In my email yesterday, I learned just how much of a force on YouTube CBS has become since the network began posting clips from various shows including NCIS, The Late Show with David Letterman and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. This press release stated that the three hundred clips CBS has posted in the past month have had almost thirty million views. Furthermore, over twenty thousand YouTube users have subscribed to the CBS channel on YouTube since its launch. The people are watching, and they are watching in a very big way. The viewership of some of these shows has even increased a small amount since the videos hit YouTube.

YouTube has always been shown as a way to reach the public. The video site has also always been seen as a site for the little guy to get their message out there. It doesn't matter what that message is. It could be good or bad. It could be complete crap. The point is that the message is out there. Once the message is out there, it is for the public to decide what they think about it.

The site isn't about the mainstream. YouTube is a site for the user to create something and reach the viewing public. However, now the big guy is coming in. CBS finding such great success will probably lead to others coming in with more videos. I see a small number from NBC, but that number could grow as more success is found. Will the big guys coming in now change the purpose of YouTube? Only time will tell.

The video above is what CBS says is their most viewed video since they began posting their content on YouTube. It is a short scene from CBS hit series, NCIS. Who doesn't love a little cat fight now and then?

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From user: showmanROT

Even more celebrity impressions. These come to us from Ricky Butler. This seven minute long video goes through him doing various impressions. We start with the politcal ones, and then we move onto celebrities and characters. The George Bush impression is quite funny, but he has a lot of awesome impressions in this video.

There are no special effects. No music. Just Ricky, his camera and his voice. Not much else is needed with this video though because the impressions definitely speak for themselves. Check it out!

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From user: makemebad35

This video is the latest from makemebad35, and we have another winner here. In the not so distant past, I posted his video You're insane! Well, this video is the sequel to that.

As he states in the opening moments of the video, sequels usually aren't that good. Sometimes they are better, and sometimes they just measure up to the first film.

This one minute video just matches up with the craziness of the first one. The voice effects are quite good, as is the video work. The film is sped up and slowed down to add to the voice effects. It's a bit crazy, but it is definitely funny.

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From user: DCLugi

PS3 hit stores this passed weekend, causing major havoc in the marketplace. It is the must have of the season. Right next to the re-release of Tickle Me Elmo for its tenth anniversary.

This latest video from impressionist genius DCLugi pokes a bit of fun at the video game console battle currently taking place with the addition of the PS3. There has to be someone controlling the machines right? Well, instead of it being another machine, there is a man behind the curtain.

That sort of reminds me of Wizard of Oz. The video is a quick one minute clip with some nice effects and great comedy. Definitely worth watching. This guy is the man of a million voices, and he doesn't disappoint here.

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From user: ox0UchihaSasuke0xo

This parody video had me laughing out loud the entire time it was playing. It uses footage from the Kingdom Hearts video game from Square and Disney. We see some familiar faces, including a brief appearance from Mickey Mouse.

The video takes the footage and uses music to act as dialogue. Some of the music choices are quite funny. I'd watch out for Elmo especially because according to Mickey in this video, he has a gun!

The song lyrics match up almost perfectly to the character's speaking, so this video works extremely well. It is definitely worth watching. Check it out.

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From user: blamesocietyfilms

Blame Society Productions seems to keep coming up with some great stuff. They have a collection of short comedic films. Just yesterday, I posted about The Life and Death of a Pumpkin. Searching through YouTube late last night, I found they had something new posted, so I immediately checked it out.

This latest video from Blame Society seems to be a part of a series called Fun Rangers. In this short five minute episode, we see the two main characters Hal and Cody go up against the law and lose. Their sentence? To go through a scientific experiement that ends up going very wrong.

This film has some good editing work, especially since one of the actors is playing two characters in this video. The comedy is there as well. Another great video for Blame Society. Check it out!

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