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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Well, all I can tell you is.....I can't do that!!! It is cool to watch, but I can't even imagine the broken limbs, bumps/bruises that were endured. If you love Xtreme Sports, you will enjoy these clips of bmx champs. Who knew bicycles could fly?

See more from this user: BurtonBlunt

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I feel like I just watched the whole World Series!!!
This is a great clip. It could be on TV easily. The editing is awesome, showing the highlights (and low-lights, depending on who you were rooting for). Taguchi is lucky to have such a fan base. Awesome!! If you wanna see the highlights of the winning game, this is a MUST SEE!!!

See more from this user: printscrm

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Captains and pilots always go down with their ships. We witness a military jet suffer engine failure while hovering during a demo as people on a beach play in the water. The jet crashes into the water and the pilot ejects with a parachute, only to float back onto the sinking plane.

See more from this user: hosvos

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Another spooky story for Halloween! This one shows man telling a story about a camping trip he took. Yes, this is your typical scary camp story, but those are always good for a little bit of fright!

See more from this YouTube user: nitrofil

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This video shows a woman telling the story about a the spirit of a woman that appeared in her mirror. This is a classic tale. The Lady in the Mirror is something twisted around so many times. How many have heard the tale of Bloody Mary? Enjoy this well done story telling. Perfect for tonight.

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See more from this user: baybea

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This short video of a Halloween poem definitely put a small fright into my bones, and I am sure it will do the same to you. The way this video fits the poem perfectly, and the person doing the reading knows just how to use their voice to add to the effect. Check it out!

See more from this user: senaka420

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Another video selection for this Halloween night! This one is from The Great Halloween Response Video Call. I've seen a few other decent videos from this, and I've posted them last night. This one is one man's telling of a trip to the dentist on Halloween when he was a child, with some embellishments of course. The editing on this video is well done, and the story is good for a chuckle.

See more from this YouTube user: vidular

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If you haven't seen this ad by Michael J. Fox yet you really must if you want to keep up with your surroundings. There has been a lot of discussion around it, both positive and negative. Some very famous people stood up and made a video response in order to support his cause, while others claim Michael acts a bit in it.

See more from this user: McCaskill4Missouri

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First of all, I'm not a big listener of Green Day or U2, although I very much enjoy some of their productions. Their first cooperation together, on the song called "The Saints Are Coming", has become a real success. Rightfully so, because the music, lyrics, and also the video are all great. Watch it yourself, fan or no fan of these groups.

See more from this user: vidsquare

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Matt Damon is almost always the badass in his movies. But I didn't know that's because he is that way in real life as well. On the Jimmy Kimmel show he make us understand we really shouldn't piss him off. If we do, he will turn into the incredible Hulk (but red) and eat us up. He was so close to do than with Jimmy. Too bad, he should.

See more from this user: jkl323

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Firefox is not a product that's simply overrated; it deserves every praise it gets. This video/ad isn't made by firefox, but at least as convincing. Who wants a browser that's too noisy? Personally, I prefer a cool, silent, handy fox. Internet Explorer is just too excited about every new site I surf too, Netscape doesn't know what it's talking about and what's up with Safari?

See more from this user: ictl

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Is my best friend gonna help me when I'm in danger? Will he/she be strong enough and have the courage to do that? Is he/she too much of a softy? If these are questions you ever asked to yourself, you should pretend you're electrocuted, like this guy:

See more from this user: novatelca

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It would be a shame not to post this all time most viewed, hilariously funny video. A comedian travels back in time and takes us on a tour through the evolution of dancing trends. I can't really relate myself to any of those dances, but if you're above 30 you might do.

See more from this user: judsonlaipply

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I have a dog of my own, a very cute one, and I sometimes wonder if dogs can communicate with humans. They are smart enough, but their tongue and speech system is not build for that. Unless of course you have some fantasy. Then you can probably interpret anything a dog says. I guess I do, because I understand what the dogs in this clip wants. Their mommy.

See more from this user: nozzle49

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This kangaroo is a really good boxer. With a hart of stone and a mind of a killer, it beats up whatever comes in its way. This time it's TV 5. I feel bad for the poor woman that takes all the punches in the face. The man holding the kangaroo doesn't grip it too well and the reporter just laughs and runs away, exactly like any other gentleman would do.

See more from this user: Superedit

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I'm this kinda guy who really dislikes females that clearly aren't even close to their real self without the thick layer of make-up and cosmetics. It's like cheating. This video proves how different models are from reality, where we can follow all steps until the finished "product". Very interesting stuff.

See more from this user: tpiper

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John Prescott is pretty bad when it comes to handling the media. I mean it's okay to forget you're live once (is it?), but twice is just too much. And to make a bigger fool of himself, he continues the mistake by saying "you didn't tell me it's on air" or laughing to the interviewer. Although I'm glad those people exist, cause then I feel better about myself.

See more from this user: Goatherder

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Well, we've seen Michael Myers, but what about some of your other favorite horror movie villians? This fan video shows you various images of horror flick favorites over the last twenty years using the classic scary Halloween movie theme. Everyone from Freddie to Pennywise the Clown. Are your favorites represented?

See more from this YouTube user: juliechambys

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What is usually one of the first scary villians you associate with Halloween? Michael Myers, the original Halloween slasher! Check out this music tribute to the man that just won't die.

See more from this YouTube user: daveberg69

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Today is Halloween folks! So I'm going to share some Halloween videos with you I find throughout the day. Let's start off with this little collection of spooky images set to music just perfect for Halloween. Skeletons, ghosts and general scariness. Oh my! Check out this quick clip!

See more from this YouTube user: sarakumpf

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A guy is doing crazy things with his face, like dancing with his ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and anything else attached to his face. I don't know wether it's real or not, but if it is, it's amazing. A bit freaky too. Anyhow, I wouldn't recommend trying this, cause you might get stuck in a weird position. Like I am, with nostrils instead of eyes.

See more from this user: raulwar

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What do you believe in? This video is a collection of videos with people talking about what they believe in. Their beliefs range from the silly to the serious. Definitely an interesting video worth watching.

See more from this YouTube user: mdunnet

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A cat is taking a dump like a human. This also proves that cats are more hygienic than us, because as you can see in the video, it first takes a look in the toilet to secure that it's clean, and then proceeds.

I want to warn all people, that although this is fun, it might not be for those who eat. After all it is a cat in a toilet doing its business...

See more from this user: henrykuo

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I think we might have all raised some eyebrows when Stallone said he was making new installments of both Rocky and Rambo last year. Rambo IV: In The Serpent's Eye doesn't hit theaters until sometime in 2007, but check out this parody of the trailer. Listen to the Rambo voice over. Funny stuff!

See more from this Youtube user: wolfpackhunting

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We all know there are some idiots in this world! Well, here is one of them in a clip from Fox news. This guy decides he wants to rob a store. The only problem is the store he decides to rob sells security cameras. You want to talk about being an idiot ... take a quick look at the video for a quick laugh.

See more from this YouTube user: crappysteve

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Part "Jack-Ass", Part "Rocky", Part "The Real World"

The editing is pretty good. The idea of showing a progression of absolute failure to success is something that the general public loves. The videographer should have split this up. The total viewing time is 7:58, however, the whole gist of the story was told in the first 1:36. For skate-board aficionados, the documentary that finishes the clip is going to be inspirational. For the average person that wants to see cool stunts only, you'll have a good 2 minute viewing.

See more from this user: shalvers

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A really small man dances better than ten big ones they say. At least I do, after watching this video. And the smile! What a smile! When it reaches towards the end you think it can't get any funnier than that, but you're wrong. They fool the mother who tries to get them to work, and then the little dude convinces the father to borrow his cigar. Take a look yourself:

See more from this user: mcfit

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Knock Knock. Who's there? A hilarious video! A guy tells "knock knock" jokes to another dude, and eventually makes something completely uncalled for. Lesson: Never in your life let anyone tell you "knock knock" jokes. Their heritage is mean and evil.

The makers of this video have also made a bunch of other enjoyable ones, so take a look at them as well.

See more from this user: BaratsAndBereta

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Not only is this video well-edited, the kids are fantastic! I can only imagine the amount of time and practice that went into shooting this clip. It's nice to see that young people are getting outside and into the fresh air!! I don't think that there are many adults who would be able to stand up to this talent. This kind of sport and the medium for which they've shown it should be encouraged and admired.

Plus it is Super-Cool!!!

See more from this user: prokicbodo

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Now this video is one of the all time funniest I've ever seen. How is it even possible for a dog to be afraid of its own leg? I mean, does the leg live its own life? It sure is capable of stealing a bone from the rest of the dog's body... And doesn't the dog feel pain when it's biting it? I guess that's why the title is "Crazy Dog".

See more from this user: larfus

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While you sit at home with your complicated software, trying to create music and feel like the words best DJ, this guy only uses his mouth. Old school, but works better than most modern school ways. Don't try this at home because you won't succeed. Unless you put your fingers in an electric socket in order to create exactly the same haircut.

See more from this user: behindert123

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I'm not sure if this guy is talking a real language or not, but it sure doesn't seem like it. It's like his speech only contains one word. Tranquilidade. It must be an exciting word cause his expressions really indicate that. There aren't a lot of videos where you laugh with a guy without understanding anything, but this is one of those.

See more from this user: zulle

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Have you ever seen a man in a chicken costume? Well, have you ever seen a man in a chicken costume go to dancing clubs at night? I thought so. It seems like nothing is impossible anymore. Dancing chicken is loose!

See more from this user: thevulcanproject

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Now, the title is pretty "lost" because everybody is watching Lost. Right? And if you don't, you should. The secret to greatest viewing experience is to get prepared. How? It's easy. Just pray to God and thank for everything that has to do with Lost, smack yourself up, and get dressed like one of the characters. If you still don't get it, watch this:

See more from this user: impytherap

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The Long Walk Home

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