I loved it! I’m going to be singing the Space Camp song all day. Can’t get it out of my head. AAARGH! This is part of a Brent Simon showcase, and it’s a good video of a really fun song. In my opinion, it’s right up there with “Ninety-Nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall.”
This is more of a music video from windind. The song is gorgeous, and it’s accompanied by a nature slideshow. I didn’t quite get the pictures of electrical wires crossing the sky, but it’s definitely worth a look and listen.
This is an absolutely beautiful video. The wave starts out looking like a mountain. We watch the surfer crest the mountain and ride down the inside curl of a magnificent wave, barely staying ahead of it as the wave crashes down. Erik90 did a great job of capturing it.
In response to Tara916’s suggestion that YouTubers post what they are thankful for this year, Gr8Shotz gives us his list. It’s meaningful, and makes you stop and think about the simple things we take for granted—but should be grateful for. Thanks, Gr8Shotz, for the reminder.
From YouTube.com user: Gr8Shotz I feel cheated on this one, Gr8Shotz. It’s clearly a personal message to someone. It’s a good message, but makes me say, “Huh?!”
Brooklyn's Great, Except for...! As a native Brooklynite, I have always sympathized with growing up in Brooklyn and the undying love that comes with it. The Olde English Comedy group has chosen a rather innovative way to express their love for the "olde" school Brooklyn that thrived during the pre-Nets stadium planning.
They have a knack for utilizing all of the classic symbols of Brooklyn from the famous Brooklyn Brewery logo down to a localized map of the "new" Williamsburg. Eww, hipsters in Brooklyn! Definitley worth the watch for a good laugh that masks what's really happening in the BK. Enjoy!
Diet Coke and Mentos has taken over the YouTube world. There are many permutations, attempts and explanations for the whole Diet Coke/Mentos phemenon. This video is an apology for Renatto’s previous human experiment video, where he appeared to be sick. It was all a big joke. Honestly. Just a joke. Paul replicates the experiment to prove it was all a big joke. Truly. Trust me. It was just a joke.
Russell (Gr8shotz) does a very nice job of showing us the Veteran’s Memorial Park at Tampa. It’s a good video with appropriate music. Very well done. There’s a nice contrast between the serene music, pastoral scenery and multiple shots of retired weapons of mass destruction.
This is a particularly beautiful, avant garde music video of a lovely song. Thanks for posting it, Mothermind. Both the music and the cinematography are artistic and quite beautiful.
Greg Kennedy is a master juggler, that’s for sure. This video shows great juggling with meteors. Meteoric light flashes are all you see, and it’s beautiful.
Although I love Kennedy’s juggling, and usually enjoy the videos, this one is disappointing. It’s very short, and poorly filmed. It’s hard to see what he’s doing, which sucks because what he is doing is the point of the video
“Haters of haters are almost as annoying as haters themselves.” Ignore them, delete them, block them. Don’t waste your time and talent responding to the trolls who are out there. Good advice from Gr8shotz. The real Gr8shotz. I think. He has multiple personalities, you know. Both The Psychologist and The Frickin’ Hater make appearances, too. Delete them! Block them! Ignore them!
This is without exception the best YouTube video I’ve seen. The production and background music are excellent, and the collage of images alternating with Gr8shotz memories is perfect. Posted in September of 2006, it is a beautiful reminder that we must continue to bring these personal memories out, talk about them, publish them and never, never forget them. Thanks, Gr8shotz, for this touching reminder.
Gr8shotz takes a moment to tell us who he is and what he gets out of the YouTube universe. If you want to know the man behind the vlogs, he self-reveals here. He’s real and actually a little vulnerable. Gr8 video, Gr8shotz.
All I can say is, morebeefplease has way too much time on his hands. Don’t try this in your office—but you could sneak a few minutes to watch the video. It’s fun.
This is another vlog in which Gr8shotz uses his lunch hour to connect with his audience. He tells us what it’s REALLY like to work in information technology. It’s a very casual chat with a nice guy talking about work and he speaking to other YouTube vloggers and giving advice on customer service. Not a lot of stimulating stuff here.
There was no weigh in. He didn’t especially like Pirates. He invites us to ask questions—any questions, and he’ll try to answer them in a later vlog. That should be interesting, anyway.
I haven’t laughed so hard in a very long time. Every time Sarah turns on the blender, her pug goes around in faster and faster circles. It’s hilarious.
This is a very professionally done little black and white film of a good date gone to the dogs. Gr8shotz does a great job with the subtle loser humor and double entendre. Someone throw him a bone—please.
Here we’re privy to a little therapeutic venting. Gr8shotz wants to share how much he hates it when you buy a new CD or DVD and try to unwrap it. You can’t get into the plastic and then there’s the *&%(_&(* security tape to get off and you BITE AND YOU CHEW AND YOU STILL CAN’T GET INTO THE *^%(&^* CD…..Sorry. I got carried away.
Made at the time of the World Cup, this video is Lazydork’s foray into stop motion animation, and to be quite honest it’s pretty good. The music is hilariously perfect and the movement of the chips is oddly cool. I like the little bubble thoughts for the stacks of chips and the replay for the amazing save by the goalie is pretty funny. I just wish one of the stacks of chips headbutted the other.
Lucy’s video to her fans is largely a music video for “Dancing with Myself,” but I don’t understand why she chose that song.
The video is shots of her goofing off at the office where she works. It's after-hours and she’s playful and silly, and as always, fun to watch. But it just doesn’t really match the music except in tone.
But check out this video for the first appearance of Kerim, whom we will be seeing a lot of in upcoming videos.