I find that this You Tube movie arrives in light of the highly anticipated wedding of the weekend and the offspring of such a deliriously absurd couple.
Mark Day has a bunch of hilarious videos in which he points out subjects on matters that either irritate us tremendously or super-random subjects like Diddy's "vagina" via his Proactive ad spot. Talk about someone with lots to say!
Nevertheless, this video eases us into accepting that Tom is crazy and the baby- well, having Tom's baby might not be that bright of an idea after all. Not that we didn't think so in the back of our minds, but it's funny to watch Mark Day come to this totally obvious conclusion.
So maybe he’s been set up, but this guy has got quite a bit of chutzpah to just start fondling this lady on the train. It starts off seemingly accidental, but he gets bolder as the video goes on and by the end it almost seems if he’s just trying to figure out if their real or not. Regardless of intent this is pretty inappropriate behavior, and probably fairly common.
So did you manage to get a PS3 this weekend? If so, congratulations! You may be getting a recruiting call from the Army in the near future.
Gamers went through Hell to get the system, including being trampled, getting shot by drive-by shooters, and just straight up getting shot at point-blank range. This video has two separate news reports which covers the highlights of PS3’s release mayhem from Massachusetts and Ohio stores.
Though the audio is a little soft, there’s still more than enough video coverage that you can easily piece together this madness. Enjoy and keep your eyes out for PS3 "The Line", the game available only on XBOX 360.
A takeoff on the show, "Hollywood Bloopers," this video is not for the politically correct, or even the politically somewhat wayward. It features bungled beheadings, inept suicide bombers, and religious extremist outtakes (picture Osama recording one of his video homilies, stumbling over his words, cracking up laughing, and telling the cameraman to start over). And if you buy now, the narrator promises to throw in a video of "Muslim Girls Gone Wild," which features women in burkas flashing a little face, ankle, or wrist.
The producer’s YouTube user name exposes an angry agenda. Still, the video is funny and will strike a resonant chord with many people who are fed up with radical Islam and terrorism.