All videos and reviews for DCLugiFor anyone who has worked in human resources, this one will bring back bitter memories of sitting through interviews with people who were never going to be hired by your firm.
As usual DClugi (Dave Coyne) is the man of a thousand voices and faces. The sound editing is perfect as the different voices are over-dubbed flawlessly, which makes the different characters even more distinct and real and it gives the video that professional authenticity.
Regarding sound, unfortunately the sound on this one fails to properly sync with the video. And the longer the video plays the more distracting it becomes. By one-third through the video it's pretty annoying. Not sure if this from the uploading process or a product of the sound editing (which I initially complimented). Too bad because Coyne's videos are otherwise very inventive and entertaining.
Labels: aitkins, comedy, DCLugi, hiring, HR, impersonations, interviews, voices