Finally, the individuals being yelled at by Michael Richards have appeared on television. Of course they were accompanied by their new found friend, an attorney. The two men Kyle and Frank explain some of the events leading up to Richards’ racist rampage, which really helps to fill in how things go so out of hand.
Apparently, they had come with a group for a friend’s 26th birthday, which some of us already heard. While they were getting their seats in the balcony, they had to talk a lot with both ushers and waitresses. Supposedly this is what first got Richards’ attention and he made a slightly racist comment even then. Anyone who has been to the Laugh Factory before can sympathize with their situation as the place is very chaotic, the staff can be unclear and rude when telling you where to sit, and it’s usually loud enough in there that you have to tell your waitress what you want a couple of times. I personally have had a number of similar problems there, so that seems perfectly reasonable.
Richards’ initial remark had prompted one of Kyle’s friends to say Michael was not funny and Kyle had repeated the sentiment, but loud enough for Richards to hear. Accordingly, Michael Richards was incensed and began yelling racist remarks at the group even before the torrent that someone captured on video.
The two men go through the rest of what happened (most of which you’ve probably already seen or heard) and finally their lawyer comes on. Now I am no law student, but her plan of action seems mildly retarded. She is seeking restitution in a purely symbolic court that will hold no real legal weight. I agree that he could be shamed into paying, but she needs only press the media further by getting her clients on more shows to make that happen. Plus their continued appearance on shows means money for both them and her, so I really can’t understand why she would want to waste anyone’s time with this mock trial idea.
No matter what I’m sure this story is not over yet and hopefully some kind of beneficial outcome is possible for all parties involved. Many of us have certainly learned from this and Mel Gibson’s debacle that no matter how we try to cover it with social pleasantries and politically correct speech, racism still exists in America and we would do well to confront this issue now rather than continue to sweep it under the rug.