With animation, you have good animation and bad animation. This animated video done as Master's Thesis for a school in New York City is an example of excellent animation. If I didn't know better, I would have thought I was watching the work of a person with much more experience on the big screen.
The video tells the story of Kiwi, a flightless bird. His one dream is to someday fly among the clouds, but he knows if he does he will die. Before he does, he creates a vertical world where he can feel as if he is flying instead of just falling off a cliff. He does this by nailing trees along the side of a mountain. This could also be seen as a take on the destruction of nature depending on how you look at it.
As for the animation itself, it is nearly flawless. Definitely top notch animation, and it appears it has generated a lot of discussion about the message behind the video in the comments to it. This video is definitely worth checking out.