It's a Monday before a holiday, which can spell out only one thing: utter unproductivity at the office. To help you with this task, below is one of the latest of the Office Space-inspired comedic shorts by the dynamic duo, Barats and Bereta.
"Cubicle Wars 2006" is definitely the best thing I've seen from these guys so far- they just keep improving the professional quality of their videos, as well as their subject matter and sense of comedic timing. Filmed like something straight out of "The Office," Cubicle Wars hits that same effective note of deadpan humor and caustic wit.
While ostensibly falling under the facade of a cheesy infomercial, Cubicle Wars really gives the audience dead-on exposure to classic workplace dynamics. Rarely do I come across comedy on You Tube that achieves the tone it sets out for, but Barats and Bereta are two extremely funny'll find yourself laughing out loud at this one, and, despite the subject matter, it's work-appropriate enough to play on low volume at the office..... (hint-hint).
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Barats and BeretaLabels: Barats and Bereta, comedy, Stephanie Hagopian